Make sure job seekers know all the job opportunities your city offers!

The League of Minnesota Cities provides a list of city job opportunities from across the state in 165 categories. From 911 operators to zoos, it’s important potential applicants know city careers offer variety, stability, and a chance to make a difference. Below are tips to help applicants navigate NEOGOV job listings. You can also print a version of the job seeker handout by clicking the brochure cover on this page.

Where can I find city jobs?

To find job listings and upcoming career fair information, you can go straight to or search “careers” using the search link above.

One account with hundreds of jobs.

Create an account in NEOGOV with just your name, email, and password. Once created, you can subscribe to job categories and get job posting alerts sent straight to your inbox!

  1. Click “Sign In” at the top right of the page and choose ”Create one.”
  2. Enter your email, a username, and a password OR sign up using your Facebook account.
  3. Agree to the terms of service and start looking for your next job!

Subscribe to job alerts.

To subscribe to job alerts, go to the Menu and select Job Categories. Then select the categories you’re interested in and subscribe. When jobs in your chosen categories are posted, you’ll get a notification from